Propozycja współpracy w pilotażowym konkursie ‘Innovation Capacity Building for Higher Education’ programme

Szanowni Państwo,

Poniżej przedstawiamy propozycję współpracy z uczelni litewskiej w ogłoszonym pilotażowym konkursie "Innovation Capacity Building for Higher Education" w ramach European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT).

Osoby zainteresowane współpracą, proszone są o bezpośredni kontakt z osobą podaną w kontakcie.

Ogólna informacja o konkursie po polsku

SMK University of Applied Social Sciences (Lithuania) would like to initiate a joint project under the EIT call ‘Innovation Capacity Building for Higher Education’ Within this project we would like to create systemic impact by engaging HEIs at institutional level:
• Strengthen the entrepreneurial and innovation capacity.
• Strengthen integration into innovation ecosystems.

The aims of the initiative would be:
• Contribute to the EIT core mission of boosting sustainable economic growth and competitiveness by reinforcing the innovation capacity.
• Extend the impact of the EIT beyond individual faculties and programmes to all levels within the education value chain.
• Leverage the innovation and entrepreneurial knowledge-base built in the EIT KICs thus far.
• Bring together EIT KIC partners and non-partners to collaborate, co-create and mutually learn.
• Encourage HEIs to look at their own practices and the opportunities for increasing their impact in their ecosystem.
• Empower HEIs to take a significant step forward in increasing their entrepreneurial and innovation capacity.

All the necessary information (including the eligibility criteria) you are able to find in the presentation or

We have a project team, which is working on developing the project application and on this stage we are open to embed the insights as per your vision.

If your University has the intention to submit an application under this ‘Innovation Capacity Building for Higher Education’ call and would like to be part of our project consortium, please contact us.

Donata Dulkė 
Project Manager 
SMK University of Applied Social Sciences
Nemuno str. 2, Klaipėda, Lithuania
Tel. +370 601 75094